Mobile Treatment System 600 m3/day

Our company, Teknik Arıtma, has been operating a process water production system with a net production capacity of 25m3/h since 2021 in the bottling plant, which is used as bottle washing water, continuing to operate with high ion removal efficiency.

The existing Reverse Osmosis unit, designed for the production of pure water and operating with 75% efficiency, has its 25% concentrate discharge water designed to be the feed water for the containerized Reverse Osmosis system installed by our company.

The containerized Reverse Osmosis (RO) units, consisting of 2 stages with a net production capacity of 25m3/h, operate with a total product water production efficiency of 86.5%.

The production flow rate and the conductivity of the produced water continue to be in line with the project values ​​of 2021.