Water Treatment
Utility Water Production
Utility water is essential for daily cleaning and industrial processes. Treatment processes are carried out by considering the physical, chemical, and biological/microbiological parameters of well (artesian) water and surface (lake, river) water sources. The following systems are used in this process:
Multimedia Filtration: Uses layers of granular media of different sizes to retain suspended solids (TSS) and some heavy metals in the water.
Ultrafiltration: Employs membrane technology to filter out microorganisms and small particles in the water.
Activated Carbon Filtration: Adsorbs organic substances (TOC) and certain chemical pollutants.
These systems produce utility water that meets the standards set by the Turkish Standards TS 266 and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Drinking Water Production
Drinking water production uses more advanced treatment techniques compared to utility water production. These techniques also remove smaller and dissolved contaminants in the water. The systems used are as follows:
Nanofiltration: Filters out hardness ions and some organic substances in the water, reducing conductivity.
Reverse Osmosis (RO): Removes dissolved salts and other small molecules from water under high pressure.
Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection: Uses UV rays to kill microorganisms in the water.
Ozone System: Disinfects water by oxidizing pathogenic microorganisms and some organic pollutants with ozone gas.
These systems ensure the production of drinking water that complies with the Turkish Standards TS 266 and WHO limits.
Process Water Production
Process water is used in industrial processes and typically requires very low conductivity. The systems used for process water production are:
Reverse Osmosis (RO): Removes ions and dissolved substances from water under high pressure through membranes.
Double Pass Reverse Osmosis (Two-Stage RO): The water purified by the first RO stage is further purified by passing through a second RO stage, making it even purer.
Electrodeionization (EDI): Uses ion exchange membranes and an electric current to further reduce the water's conductivity.
These systems produce ultra-pure water with a conductivity of 0.05 microSiemens or a resistance of 18 MegaOhms.